Equipping Leaders
Helping a Manager to Support a Struggling Team Member
Practical Help
Sensitive Communication
Risk Management Planning
Manager Support and Reflection
A manager contacted Amplify after a difficult conversation with an employee who had severe mental health issues. The employee had disclosed to the manager that they had written a suicide note and shared this with colleagues. Although the employee later downplayed the situation, they did not deny the potential suicide risk, leaving the manager concerned, anxious and unsure how to proceed.
Practical Help: Advised the manager that the employees could self refer to Amplify and be seen by a different Psychologist in the team which then happened the same afternoon. Advised that the manager could also refer with employee consent.
Sensitive Communication: Supported the manager to engage compassionately and non-judgmentally with the employee to understand their needs and provide support while establishing boundaries for sharing sensitive information.
Risk Management Planning: Co-developed a clear plan around consent and for managing risk, including contacting emergency services and next of kin if the manager felt it was necessary.
Manager Support and Reflection: Encouraged the manager to reflect on their emotions and responsibilities in managing this situation, and define the boundaries of their role and responsibility for the employee’s mental health and safety and where these responsibilities lay elsewhere i.e with the individual's NHS community mental health team.
Advised the manager that if the employee was willing they could be seen by a different Psychologist in the Amplify team to the one supporting the manager. Explained that this could be achieved either by the employee self referring to Amplify or by the employee consenting to the manager referring on their behalf.
Additionally, Amplify assisted the manager by addressing their immediate concerns and developing a support plan focusing on sensitive communication, crisis management, and supporting the manager’s well-being.
Amplify’s intervention supported the employee and reassured the manager. It equipped the manager with a concrete approach to handle the situation effectively. The manager gained clarity on how to have conversations with the employee, and recognised the importance of seeking internal support from Amplify when needed.
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