Equipping Leaders
Providing Manager and Individual Support in Relation to Alcohol Abuse and Mental Health
A 37 -year-old male employee who struggled with low mood and family conflict had turned to alcohol to cope with stress. This led to a drop in performance at work and suicidal thoughts, prompting his manager and HR to seek guidance from Amplify.
Our Support in Action
Amplify helped HR and the manager to understand depression and alcohol abuse and the possible impact this was having on the employee’s engagement and behaviour. Amplify also helped them to plan how to structure a conversation with the employee about their concerns and the support options they could offer. The employee was offered sick leave in order to engage in substance misuse support, alongside regular check-ins with the manager for updates on progress and planning his return to work.
Separately, the employee received 1:1 sessions with another psychologist within the Amplify team, where his risk was assessed and monitored closely, and a treatment plan was co-developed, which included Amplify supporting his engagement with rehabilitation services and his GP for medication. Ongoing support from Amplify helped him to communicate his needs clearly and work effectively with his manager on a return-to-work plan.
The employee's condition improved within weeks, allowing him to return to work. Amplify facilitated communication between the employee and the stakeholders involved, leading to an effective phased return to work and smooth transition back to his role. Amplify’s coordinated input with HR, the manager, healthcare professionals and the employee helped him to regain stability and the ability to cope, and continue his professional life while addressing the underlying difficulties he faced.
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